Glenora - snow on peaks

On: 2009-09-20

No time to upload pictures yet. Sorry. Bear with me. Snow on the Stingies and behind us Mt. Glenora has also been dusted by snowfall above the timber line. It will descend soon though; the forecast calls for a rainy week followed by snow. This makes filming any wildlife and outdoor settings difficult. It's also less comfortable to camp. But that's life!

I just spent the past couple of hours chopping wood and damn! It felt good! Sipping a cool Kokanee from an aluminum can and about to head down to Winter Creek to camp for the night. I have a pile of photos I want to upload but it takes time and so that will have to wait - it's dark already and we want to go start a fire and enjoy our evening hot chocolate.

1 comments on "Glenora - snow on peaks"


Well it's a good thing you got that raincover for the camera, whew. Just a note, I watched the documentary Grizzly Man last night, heh-heh. Made me remember how bears' behaviour, diet, and locales all seem to be in great flux during this short pre-hibernation time. Watching that movie, considering what you're doing at the moment, was REALLY NOT a good idea!