Mile Zero - Victoria

On: 2009-09-06

In Victoria I visit my Mom for a couple of days and take it easy. We walk down by the beach and eat Vietnamese food and I drink coffee from Cafe Fantastico. I pick up my new video camera and tripod and try to visualize what my trip up north is going to be like. I think I'm going to have to find a more natural speed - not necessarily slower but definitely more relaxed and receptive to my surroundings.

3 comments on "Mile Zero - Victoria"

Jason in Canada. said...

Ethan, you've mentioned your brother picked you up and your father took you to the ferry? Will they be joining you on your journey up north? Your pictures are dangerously close to making me home sick. May I request some shots of your family? I haven't seen your brother or father or sister in a hundred years! How's your mother coming along? I hope all is well. Venture on, wayward ho!

Patrick said...

Very cool, Iam looking forward to following your journey back to Telegraph

Brenda said...

a wise decision regarding the speed at which you approach oncoming experiences
look forward to seeing TC through your eyes
nice images!